A Letter From The CEO

To Purpose-Driven Business Leaders,

Historically, we’ve been known as a Facebook (now Meta) advertising agency for our mad skills.

But we’ve changed, mainly because you as a business have most likely changed as well.

After being the first Facebook ad agency on the planet in 2013, we have realized that Meta ads are just ONE tool in the digital marketing toolbox. Meta is a powerful tool, no doubt. But in combination with the four pillars of digital marketing, Meta, plus the other tools, can make your business unstoppable

The main goal of that toolbox is not to ”spend money on ads”—no, that's what other marketing/advertising agencies do.

Our goal is to leverage the most high-impact digital marketing tools to build and scale your business, which in turn, will ultimately exert global influence and positively affect people. 

In short, we focus on the 80/20 of digital marketing to achieve your goals. 

And when you sell more of your stuff to the people who need it and want it—or maybe didn't even know they needed it until they saw your product or service—and they enjoy it so much that it makes their lives better…

…then you are, in fact, a purpose-driven business

Whether it's a “high performance sealant” for automobiles and RVs, you are raising money to cure children born with cleft palates, or selling badass airtight and watertight hard cases that don't suck - these are all purpose-driven businesses.

Their products make people’s lives BETTER.

Even the hard case company… ;-)

You might say; “marketing agencies just trick gullible consumers to help crappy companies sell more crappy products to a society hell-bent on overconsumption.”

I’ve heard that. And you may be right.

But we don’t think so. 

We think we are doing work that helps millions of people enjoy and live better lives because we match them with our client’s products and services, thereby…making the world a better place to live. 

Too ‘woo-woo’ for you? 

Yes, it is a bit woo-woo.

But we figure if you’re going to spend 50-60 hours at a job working your ass off each week, you should actually have a higher purpose than just making money to pay the mortgage. 

We believe businesses should be on this earth to do what I said above. 

Which is probably why our people love working here

And it’s probably the reason why we have clients who have been with us for nearly ten years.

So if all that doesn’t match what you’re looking for in a marketing partner…

Then we aren’t the right choice for you. 

At last count, there were over 433,000 agencies in the world.

I suggest you go find one of them.

So getting back to my original point…we are no longer a “Facebook ad agency.” 

Our true aim is to help you, as a purpose-driven business, achieve your vision. We help you do that through ALL the tools—not just one tool. 

And we decide which ones will get you there.

In our fifteen years of doing this, we know we are far more capable than you of picking the tools that will most effectively and efficiently reach as many of your potential customers as possible.

I mean, that IS why you hire a company to do your marketing, right?

If you order a chicken sandwich at a Chik Fil A drive-through, you don’t get out of your car, trapse into the store, and tell the line chef how to cook it, do you?

Of course, you don’t. You order it with the help of the iPad-toting customer service millennial, pay for it, drive to the pick-up window to get it, and then eat it.

If you think to yourself, “Yeah, Ralph, that sounds great, but all I want is for you to run my Meta ads.” 

Then again, we are NOT your agency. 

See the above on the other 433,000 agencies…

I guarantee that most of them would be happy to sell you Facebook ads and get you your “3X ROAS” you probably think you need. 

However…if you want a true partnership with someone who will: 

  • Tell you precisely what marketing services you need - as well as which ones you don’t need… 
  • Communicate to you in no uncertain terms exactly how your marketing is working (or not working) through the best possible attribution and dat tools on the planet...
  • Measure your actual nCAC (new customer acquisition) - instead of pumping you up with fake ROAS reports to make themselves look good…
  • Actually help you acquire more new customers and enhance their lifetime value so that you achieve your vision as a business…

Then you’re in the right place.

Welcome to Tier 11. 

Ralph Burns
Founder and CEO